Jeffrey Abramowitz, J.D. is the CEO of the Petey Greene Program and past Executive Director of Justice Partnerships and Executive Director or Reentry Services for JEVS Human Services.
Jeff was a 2018 Fellow for JustLeadership USA, and has served as the Director of Student Services & Workforce Development for Community Learning Center/Beyond Literacy.
Jeff was a trial lawyer in Philadelphia before poor choices in life and his professional career resulted in acceptance of responsibility and a five-year sentence in the federal prison system. Entering the criminal justice system allowed Jeff the opportunity to see the world with a new pair of glasses and find his passion for education and workforce development. In the short 6 years since Jeff has been home he has worked with over 5,000 individuals, spoken and lectured across the country to educators, administrators, business professionals, employers, communities, and those touched by our criminal justice system.
Jeff proudly sits on the Board of the Coalition on Adult Basic Education, COABE, where he served as Secretary of the Board, and currently serves as Public Policy Chair and Co-chairs the State Advocates for Adult Education Fellowship, and is the past chair of the Literacy Behind and Beyond the Walls Committee, was appointed to the Pennsylvania Reentry Council and serves as Chairman of the Employment Committee and Past Chair of the Reentry Committee for the PA Workforce Development Board.
Jeff is the Past-chair of the Philadelphia Reentry Coalition serving a term from 2021-2023.
Jeff serves on the Boards of Philly Truce, Small Business Mentoring Initiative, Evolution Reentry, Montgomery County Public Defender Association Advisory Board, Fair Chance Business Education Consortium, Unlock Higher Education Steering Committee, Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy - All In Committee, Greater Philadelphia Leadership Exchange.
Jeff is a LINCS, Literacy Information & Communication System, Resource Collection for the Department of Education, Reviwer, Trainer, and serves as Moderator for the LINCS Correctional & Reentry Education Community of Practice. Additionally, Jeff is a subcontractor for the United States Department of Education IET (Integrated Education & Training) in Corrections Project. Jeff served on the National Association of State Directors of Education, Barbara Bush Foundation Criminal Justice Work Group.
Jeff was the producer and host of the award-winning bi-weekly television and radio show “Looking Forward” on Philly Cam Radio WPPM 106.5FM. Looking Forward also airs on: Xfinity 66/96, FIOS 29/30, Roku, Apple TV, Facebook Live, and YouTube.
Jeff is the Host and Producer of the Behind Every Employer Podcast with Anson Green, and the past producer of the Advocast Podcast, both of which can be found at or on your favorite podcast network.
Jeffrey is a writer, keynote speaker, and lecturer around the country on issues of adult education, workforce development and criminal justice.